
Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

Rebekah was an initiator, she would help to get the ball rolling. When she saw a need she took action, even though the action was not always right.

It was Rebekah’s initiative that first caught the attention of Eliezer, the servant of Abraham sent to find a wife for Isaac. Eliezer asked God for a sign of the woman He wanted for Isaac’s wife by asking for water and water for his camels also. The one who would do this was the one God had picked for Isaac. It was a common courtesy to give a drink to a stranger, but it took added character to also fetch water for ten thirsty camels. When Eliezer asked Rebekah for a drink of water she also offered to water his camels. Then later after hearing the details of Eliezer’s mission, Rebekah was immediately willing to be Isaac’s bride.

The events that took place later shows us how initiative can be misdirected. Rebekah was aware that God’s plan would be channeled through her son Jacob and not Esau, (Genesis 25:23). But since Abraham favored Esau, Rebekah felt the need to intervien on her own and decieve Abraham into blessing Jacob while thinking it was Easu. Rebekah’s mistake her was to take her own course of action and not trust in God’s plan. While it’s true that our actions will not spoil God’s plan, its also true that we are responsible for what we do and need to be careful about our motives. We should learn here from Rebekah, that when we do something, we need to be careful about putting God’s stamp of approval on it.

Do you allow God to guide you through your life? Do you know God? Do you know Jesus?

Are you certain that you are going to heaven? If the answer is no or your not really sure and there is something stirring inside you at this very moment to do this, then all you have to do is say a small prayer and you can be assured of your name being added to the Book of Life. Go to the prayer of salvation and pray the words out loud and believe in your heart and you will be saved.

Rebekah’s story is told in Genesis 24 – 49. She is also mentioned in Isaiah 51:12; Romans 9:10

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