
Who was Miriam in the Bible?

Miriam was involved in one of history’s most unusual baby sitting jobs. She was watching her infant baby brother Moses float on the Nile River in a waterproof cradle. While she watched to see what would happen to Moses. When Pharaoh’s daughter had discovered him, Miriam was quick to act by stepping up and suggesting that she could go and find a Hebrew woman to nurse the child. She went and got Moses’s mother. This quick thinking allowed Moses to be raised by his own mother. Now you have to understand the reason Moses was put into the cradle in the first place was because of the order to kill all the first born children. Miriam’s protective superiority, reinforced by that event, must have been hard to give up as she watched her little brother rise to greatness.

Eventually Moses’s choice of a wife gave Miriam a chance to criticize. With Moses married, Miriam’s insecurity meant she was no longer the most important woman in his life. The real issue was not the kind of woman Moses married but that he now was the most important man in Israel. “Has the Lord only spoken through Moses? Hasn’t He also spoken through us?” No mention is made of Moses’s response, but God clearly pointed out His relationship with Moses. Miriam was stricken with leprosy, a deadly disease as punishment for her insubordination. But Moses, true to his character, intervened for his sister so that God healed Miriam of her leprosy.

Before we criticize someone else we have to stop and think about our motives. Failing to do this can bring disastrous results. What is often labeled as “constructive criticism” may actually be destructive jealousy, since its easier to raise our own status by bringing someone else down. Before pointing your finger at someone else you need to question your motives. Does the critical finger you point need to be pointed first at yourself?

Do you allow God to guide you through your life? Do you know God? Do you know Jesus?

Are you certain that you are going to heaven? If the answer is no or your not really sure and there is something stirring inside you at this very moment to do this, then all you have to do is say a small prayer and you can be assured of your name being added to the Book of Life. Go to the prayer of salvation and pray the words out loud and believe in your heart and you will be saved.

Miriam’s story is told in Exodus 2; 15. She is also mentioned in Deuteronomy 24:9, 1 Chronicles 6:3 and Micah 6:4

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