
Who was Aaron in the Bible?

Effective teamwork is when each member of the team uses their skills to support the entire team. In this way members of the team make up for others weaknesses. Moses, along with his brother Aaron made a good team. But each was necessary for the other. Without a guide Aaron had little direction of his own. There was never any doubt about who God had trained and chosen as the leader in Moses. Aaron’s major failures were caused by his inability to stand alone. His yielding to public pressure and making an idol was a good example of his weakness.

Most of us probably have more of the follower than leader in us. We may even be good followers, following a good leader. But remember, no leader is perfect and no human deserves our complete allegiance. Only God deserves our complete loyalty and obedience. We must be effective team members in using the skills and abilities God has given us. But if the team leader goes against God’s Word, we must be willing to stand alone.

Are you an effective leader or follower? Do you know God? Do you know Jesus?

Are you certain that you are going to heaven? If the answer is no or your not really sure and there is something stirring inside you at this very moment to do this, then all you have to do is say a small prayer and you can be assured of your name being added to the Book of Life. Go to the prayer of salvation and pray the words out loud and believe in your heart and you will be saved.

Aaron’s story is told in Exodus and in Deuteronomy 10:6. He is also mentioned in Hebrews 7:11.

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